🌍The most important issues of today are protecting the environment and leaving a clean environment to future generations. Green entrepreneurs can make a significant contribution to eliminating unemployment, poverty, and environmental problems. The goal of the project Making Learning Fun and Ecological is to further explain on the meaning of: To be a green entrepreneur […]
Read moreNewsletter #1Project: Step by StepProgram: Erasmus+ What is Step by Step?The Step by Step project is a project focusing on the fragile groups of society, marginalizedpeople, elderly people, disabled people, refugees, women and more. Our goal is to not onlywork on the inclusion of marginalized groups, but also make a difference, enrich someone’s lifeand bring […]
Read moreNewsletter #3Project RIDE AND SMILE After the summer season, we are back in the full workflow of the RIDEAND SMILE project – but this time to show off some of the importantstatistics we received over the course of the last few months. We intendon enriching the content of the project website, exactly with the newestinformation […]
Read moreЗдружение на граѓани “Еко Логик”, во рамки на проектот: “Охрабрување на децата и младите во Северна Македонија да станат двигатели на промените за намалување на ранливоста на заедниците од климатските промени“ спроведуван од УНИЦЕФ со финансиска поддршка на Шведската агенција за меѓународна соработка и развој (СИДА) и партнерство со проектот „Образование за вработување во Северна […]
Read moreTesting of the prepared educational modules as part of Making Learning Fun and Ecological, with emphasis on social entrepreneurship is in full swing.
Read moreEco Logic as a member of the International Network for Environmental Organizations YEE – Young for Environment Europe is sharing new useful videos which were created as part of the project “Environmental challenge accepted”.
Read more“ZHABEC” is the first and only educative center for children in Macedonia that aims to promote the subjects of ecology and environmental protection. Through these themes the kids are expected to learn about many other real and modern topics and situa…
Read moreWe are proud to announce that our new educative center “ZHABEC” officially will start its work on the 1st of November this year!
Read morePartnership project between organizations from Germany, UK, Macedonia, Austria and Denmark, realized through the ERAZMUS+ Programme
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