PREPARE The financial recession post-2008 had a negative impact on many sectors across Europe. Nevertheless, this was not the case in the tourism sector which during those hardships was the main backbone of the economy in several European countries in the South and the Mediterranean. That, however, changed during the Covid-19 pandemic when unemployment became […]
Read moreProject title: Let’s Get Outside Now: Be, Learn, Grow Outdoors Project acronym: GrowLearnOut(GLOW) Project start date: 01-11-2021 Duration: 24 months Project end date: 01-11-2023 Project ID: KA210-SCH-611147DF Coordinator of the project: Danish nature Approach, Denmark Partner Organizations: FREDERICK UNIVERSITY, Cyprus Sølvstuffen barnehage, Norway SYNTHESIS, Cyprus Eco Logic, The Republic of North Macedonia Centro Apoio Social […]
Read moreLAB-ADA It is estimated that about 128 million adults in Europe have the potential for upskilling and reskilling, a potential which remains untapped due to work-related and family-related time shortage experienced by the low-skilled adult population. This fact, in conjunction with technological advancements globalizing the labour market and increasingly favoring high skilled individuals, necessitates flexible […]
Read moreINTER GREEN Municipalities across Europe, more often lack the strategic know-how when it comes to facing new challenges to sustainable development. In many cases, the different municipal sectors such as environment, urban planning, economic and social development, including social services are in need of employees equipped with green skills and competences to take specific local […]
Read moreIDEA A circular economy is an economy which focuses on reparing, reusing and refurbishing materials during production, distribution and consumption – an economy in which the value of products, materials and resources are maintained as long as possible, therefore minimizing waste generation. While recent reports, such as the European Commission’s March 2019 report on the […]
Read moreGEA Adult education and climate literacy are essential for proper global response to the environmental and climate change challenges. Helping people understand the impact of the climate change, as well as encouraging them to change their lifestyles is important step towards building a more sustainable future for all. In that context, GEA is designed to […]
Read moref.EU.ture LAs – CVET programme for the next generation of European Local Administrators The project will promote new skills and competences among the employees of small European municipalities, driving the “smart” transformation of work models, leveraging on the potential of digital, green and transversal skills.. The project will produce:
Read moreProject title: Design Thinking for Social Inclusion Project start date: 01-01-2022 Duration: 30 months Project end date: 01-07-2024 Coordinator of the project: Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V., Germany Partner Organizations: SYNTHESIS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION LIMITED, Cyprus CESIE, Italy Compass – Beratung, Begleitung und Training Gemeinnützige GmbH, Austria Grunnet&Petersen I/S, Denmark Eco Logic ,The Republic […]
Read moreProject name: Developing educational resources for cave and bat protection in the National park Galichica Project coordinator: Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia – Local Branch Ohrid Project partners: Eco Logic, Exploring Society Ursus Speleos Skopje Funded by: PONT/CEPFDuration: November 2021 – June 2022 Several species of bats have been registered in the […]
Read moreStart: 30-12-2020 – End: 29-03-2022 Project Reference: 2020-1-MK01-KA204-077815 Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education In general, social exclusion refers to processes that prevent individuals, groups or communities from accessing the rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of society; responsible for […]
Read moreProject title: Sustainable Development Goals for Pupils Project Acronym: SDGfP Project start date: 2021-05-01 Duration: 23 months Project end date: 2023-03-31 Project ID: KA226-D49832E2 Coordinator of the project: OU Malina Popivanova Kocani- Macedonia Partner Organizations: Eco Logic-Macedonia Primary school Dubovac, Karlovac Croatia Osnovno uchilishte “Kiril Hristov” Bulgaria Context/Background The organisations that form this consortium have […]
Read moreПоддржан од : спроведуван од УНИЦЕФ со финансиска поддршка на Шведската агенција за меѓународна соработка и развој (СИДА Временска рамка: Август 2021 до Август 2022 година Здружението за заштита и унапредување на животната средина Еко Логик во текот на изминатите години континуирано работи на заштита и зачувување на животната средина, промоција на модерни еколошки практики, […]
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