The VREurope project is an educational initiative co-funded by the European Union, aiming to revolutionize learning methodologies by integrating Virtual Reality (VR) technology with language, culture, and historical studies. The project’s primary objective is to enhance educational engagement and deepen comprehension of historical events through immersive experiences.ludusxr.comKey Features of VREurope: By leveraging VR technology, VREurope […]
Read moreProject name: Developing educational resources for cave and bat protection in the National park Galichica Project coordinator: Red Cross of the Republic of North Macedonia – Local Branch Ohrid Project partners: Eco Logic, Exploring Society Ursus Speleos Skopje Funded by: PONT/CEPFDuration: November 2021 – June 2022 Several species of bats have been registered in the […]
Read moreStart: 30-12-2020 – End: 29-03-2022 Project Reference: 2020-1-MK01-KA204-077815 Programme: Erasmus+ Key Action: Cooperation for innovation and the exchange of good practices Action Type: Strategic Partnerships for adult education In general, social exclusion refers to processes that prevent individuals, groups or communities from accessing the rights, opportunities and resources that are normally available to members of society; responsible for […]
Read moreProject title: Sustainable Development Goals for Pupils Project Acronym: SDGfP Project start date: 2021-05-01 Duration: 23 months Project end date: 2023-03-31 Project ID: KA226-D49832E2 Coordinator of the project: OU Malina Popivanova Kocani- Macedonia Partner Organizations: Eco Logic-Macedonia Primary school Dubovac, Karlovac Croatia Osnovno uchilishte “Kiril Hristov” Bulgaria Context/Background The organisations that form this consortium have […]
Read moreПоддржан од : спроведуван од УНИЦЕФ со финансиска поддршка на Шведската агенција за меѓународна соработка и развој (СИДА Временска рамка: Август 2021 до Август 2022 година Здружението за заштита и унапредување на животната средина Еко Логик во текот на изминатите години континуирано работи на заштита и зачувување на животната средина, промоција на модерни еколошки практики, […]
Read moreThe project GATS is an Erazmus+ project that strives for major changes in societal views, or in other words, how specific art, like street art graffiti, is perceived. Up until now, it is familiar to all of us how graf- fiti art was struggling to gain a good reputation as a type of art.
Read moreThe project aims to foster joint initiatives of several organizations working in the field of sustainable transport and urban mobility, as well as sustainable community resilience related to the world pandemic. The idea that the participating organizations cooperate in the exchange of good practices and developing of innovative tools in difficult times, regarding the development of today’s basic skills and competencies needed to assure safer, faster and healthier mode of transport in times of pandemic.
Read moreThe Civil Society Organization Eco Logic has realized an online inter-school competition on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, within the program Velo Schools.
Read moreAccording to reports, circular economy could help boost EU GDP by EUR 1.8 trillion by 2030, result in over 1 million new jobs across the EU by 2030, and be central to cutting greenhouse gas emissions.
Read moreYoungsters4Ecocities aims to bring the SDG goals, particularly SDG 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities) into the consciousness of young people aged 6-14.
Read moreAs young people are facing high unemployment rates and possible climate disaster, it is important that they feel empowered and like they can make a difference and contribute towards a better and more sustainable community.
Read moreToday, children are growing up in a world completely different from previous generations. The planet is under stress from pollution and climate changes.
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