Migration has become one of the major challenges in European societies. The effective provision of basic skills for refugees and migrants to overcome linguistic, vocational and social barriers is a key issue.
Read moreIn adult learning, the development and design of products targeting at different specific target groups’ and individual learners’ needs become more and more important.
Read moreПрограмата “Вело училишта” има за цел да го промовира велосипедизмот како безбеден, здрав и алтернативен начин на превоз за учениците во Македонија.
Read moreThe main project goal was to encourage the youth and children to be more interested for cycling, through improving of their English language skills, with focus on the cycling terminology linked to everyday life, implemented through the method of gamification, i.e., learning by playing games. In this context, the main products of the project were a board game in physical (printed) form, as well as a digital game of the same version.
Read moreRIDE AND SMILE promotes the use of the bicycle in urban environments as a responsible choice and an effective option for commuting, and it promotes it in the most important context for the future generations: the school.
Read moreThe project is funded by the European Union through the Central Financing and Contracting Department (CFCD) of the Ministry of Finance of the Republic of Macedonia.
Read moreAfter two years of passionate work, we are proud and glad to announce that SMILE has been selected as a good practice at EU level!
Read more“Youthocracy” vol. 2 – a place where organizations, working with youth, can share their best practices and experiences regarding non-formal education
Read moreEco Logic is chosen to be part of the regional project ”Taking action for social inclusion of elder people “.
Read moreAs part of the project “Education for Cycling in Elementary Schools”, Eco Logic held second workshop in the Elementary School “J.H. Pestaloci”.
Read moreEnvironmental and Cultural Optimism (ECO) is a youth exchange project that aims at acquainting young people with environmental issues, encouraging them to live healthier lifestyle close to nature as an alternative to sedentary living in the cities, …
Read moreAs part of the Project “Education for Cycling in Elementary Schools “, organized by Eco Logic, a short video from the workshops is created.
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