Education on the importance of energy, ways of manufacturing and usage through theory and practice


This Activity book is part of the project “Education on energy”

n this manual are explained the activities connected to the themes of energy efficiency, energy and renewable energy sources. It is intended for teachers of elementary schools that together with the Eco Logic team will have the opportunity to present the themes to pupils through interesting theoretical and practical examples.

The theoretical lectures and practical exercises of this manual can be implemented in the classes linked to the natural sciences.

The theoretical lectures for all exercises are comprised of interesting data for the given topics that correspond with the age of the pupils, and at the same time are an addition for the themes that are covered in classes connected to natural sciences.

The practical segments are comprised of four exercises through which in an interesting and creative way, the pupils can directly see and explore the different types of renewable energy sources.

The manual is rich with information on the given themes, and the same themes are presented in an interesting way, which makes learning easier and more understandable for the pupils themselves. For an easier motivating and easier interaction, the manual contains questions and examples on the themes for discussions/debates, that could be lead during classes.

The goal of this manual is raising the ecological awareness in pupils, and the themes covered are of essential significance for the environment.

Education on the importance of energy, ways of manufacturing and usage through theory and practice (pdf)

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