GAP analysis for National strategy for the elderly


The idea for this analysis of the situation regarding the needs of the elderly in RNM and implementation of the National strategy for the elderly 2010-2020

The idea for this analysis of the situation regarding the needs of the elderly in RNM and implementation of the National strategy for the elderly 2010-2020 is created as part of the project activities within the project realization “Inclusive labor market for sustainable community development”.

The project refers to two different professions through creating of 2 new programs for expert education and training, and 1 existing program for expert education and training will be complemented, with the module for sustainability in households. The themes that are directed in the action are intended for the same target group, unemployed youths, males and females, including youths of marginalized groups as well.

The starting informative matrix of this estimation is in fact the analysis of the National strategy for the elderly 2010-202 and is a document with which important system and structural changes are made in one society, significant for the inclusion of the elderly in society.

GAP analysis for National strategy for the elderly

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