Healthy for Life – new partner of Eco Logic


HEALTHY FOR LIFE is a non-governmental, non politic, nonprofit organization dedicated to constant improvement of people’s life and health, through various types of activities and measures.

HEALTHY FOR LIFE is a non-governmental, non politic, nonprofit organization dedicated to constant improvement of people’s life and health, through various types of activities and measures. We strive for better future of all of the people in Macedonia, but also from the rest of the World. We see our country in near future as a country in which the majority of the population is healthy, happy and has high quality of living.Our organization encourages and supports positive changes in the society in the forms of:- Improvement of people’s health by various types of activities and measures- Improvement of people’s life by various types of activities and measures- Organization of the youth population through creativity, flexibility, alternative education, and trainings, thus enabling them to be more capable for the challenges of the future, and challenges in their society- Involvement of the youth in sport and sport related activities – healthy body, healthy mind- Raising awareness of the youth regarding their sexual and reproductive health, and showing them their real and true rights- Raising awareness of the people regarding the environment, ecology and everything related to clean and safe surroundings- Active contribution towards the achievement of the Millennium goals: fight against poverty and starvation, universal education for everyone on the Planet, gender equality, health protection for mothers and their children, as well as for every human being on the Planet, fight against HIV/AIDS, sustainable development and protection of the environment- Striving for new looks of society through debates, creativity, innovations and possibilities of self-expression of any individual, his/her social transformation and active participation in society- Protection and improvement of the environment and all of the living organisms in it, including humans.- Support of positive social changes as a key element of building of a democratic society- No discrimination (ethnic, gender, color, religious)- Constant and relevant supply of information for the youth population- Contribution towards rural development & rural tourism in Macedonia

The organization HEALTHY FOR LIFE is established in the beginning of 2012, and has already prepared several projects which will positively change the quality of life in the Republic of Macedonia.In near future we see Macedonia as a country in which the majority of people are healthy, and happy, thus present a productive group of people who will be more than important for the future of this country. We want people to be more aware of the possibilities that life can offer.  We will dedicate our knowledge and faith towards improvement of people’s life and health.Our team consists of young experts, highly educated and with a lot of experience for their age. In our team we have: health manager(s), economists, managers, environmental experts, philosophers, philanthropists and a high number of volunteers and part time workers.We are planning several projects in near future.- Air pollution and its negative effects on human health- Raising awareness campaign on healthy lifestyle among the youth population- Raising awareness handbooks/brochures on healthy life styles, healthy living / health management- Health issues vs. The Environment vs. Modern Society.


Прва средба и обука за циркуларна економија 

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Извештај Up2neb Living Labs

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Eco Logic на ECON 2024: Ново поглавје на соработка и иновации

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Извештајот од проектот „Усогласување на менаџерските цели со влијанијата на туризмот“

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