NewsLetter 1: Step by step

Newsletter #1Project: Step by StepProgram: Erasmus+ What is Step by Step?The Step by Step project is a project focusing on the fragile groups of society, marginalizedpeople, elderly people, disabled people, refugees, women and more. Our goal is to not onlywork on the inclusion of marginalized groups, but also make a difference, enrich someone’s lifeand bring […]

Newsletter #1
Project: Step by Step
Program: Erasmus+

What is Step by Step?
The Step by Step project is a project focusing on the fragile groups of society, marginalized
people, elderly people, disabled people, refugees, women and more. Our goal is to not only
work on the inclusion of marginalized groups, but also make a difference, enrich someone’s life
and bring integration to those feeling like they cannot do it alone.
Social exclusion can feel detaching, demotivating, and destructive in the long run, taking away
basic rights of people. Most of the time, this happens to youths, people with disabilities, younger
offenders, migrants, elderly people, homeless people, minorities or people from certain religious
backgrounds and communities, as well as some women who have less rights than others in

Who are we?
Our consortium consists of 4 partners and 1 project coordinator;
The project coordinator is “Humanost” from Skopje, North Macedonia, an organization about
caretakers and helpers of the elderly, working with youths and on education too, providing care
in home conditions and assistance to those in need, providing psychological and social support
as well.
Project partners:

  1. InterAktion – Verein für ein interkulturelles Zusammenleben, Austria.
    Organization about interaction, youth work, human rights, integration, cooperation,
    connectedness, common ground issues, migration, love, friendship, design, future, learning,
    tolerance, respect, joy, development and inclusion goals!
    An organization that covers areas like education, social and voluntary mobility and youth
    empowerment programs, with aims like social integration, creating and supporting a network of
    active citizens and improving their quality of life regarding social issues.
  3. Eco Logic, North Macedonia
    An organization about informal education through gamifications, board games, fun activities on
    topics like cycling, ecology, environment and nature preservation, climate changes and
    sustainability. Main focus are children, pupils, and working toward conveying important
    messages for our environment and sustainable transport.
  4. SERGED – Serik Youth Education, Culture, Environment and Sport Association, Turkey
    An organization that focuses on trainers, youth and adult learners, social workers, policymakers,
    experts and volunteers that all together create civic activities with an European values
    dimension; equality for education and labor work, ethnicity groups integration, intercultural
    dialogue, non-formal education, and cultural exchange programs.

How do we intend on working on this all?
Our goal within the project is to work closely about preventing marginalization that unfortunately
still occurs, but our chosen way is through fun and useful expressionism, such as arts, crafts
workshops, music, sewing, film, literature, theater, photography and more – hoping that through
all of these, we can tackle a not so pleasant present issue.

What did we do?
So far we have held the kick off meeting in Skopje, North Macedonia, on 25th & 26th of August,
where we met each other for the first time during a 2-day meeting with a workshop. In this
workshop, we visited the nursing home “Idila Terzieva” where we all participated in a sewing
workshop with the elderly, and for the creations we used already used fabrics and clothes.

What is next?
After our finished second project meeting, in Thessaloniki, Greece, where we did something
very interesting and unique and incredibly creative, we will meet in January in Graz, Austria –
stay tuned for more news soon!

Follow us on our social media for more news and updates!


Eco Logic на ECON 2024: Ново поглавје на соработка и иновации

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Извештајот од проектот „Усогласување на менаџерските цели со влијанијата на туризмот“

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PM Agora 2024 Атина

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Проектот, поддржан од Владата на Швајцарија преку Цивика Мобилитас, има за цел да го промовира одржливото управување со органски отпад и концептот на циркуларна економија. Тој се фокусира на едукација на ученици од скопските општини и пошироката јавност за придобивките од циркуларната економија, преку организирање работилници, јавни настани и дигитални кампањи. Клучни резултати се: обучување […]

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 Overall collecting all data from the National Report Migrants Living Under a new Sky 

The purpose of thе report is to present in detail the analysis of the data collected by the project partner countries on migration data, opportunities to attend language courses of the host country, their availability, the experience of organizations and teachers in working with migrants who have arrived in the country. A questionnaire survey for […]

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Завршен настан Design Тhinking for Social Inclusion 

На 31 јули, го организиравме последниот настан од проектот “Дизајнерско размислување за социјална инклузија”, кој имаше за цел да ги презентира резултатите и активностите на проектот. Овој настан исто така ја промовираше нашата платформа за е-учење, посветена на примена на процесот на дизајнерско размислување во сферата на социјалната работа, животната средина, одржливото менаџирање и социјалното […]

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