Pedaling Towards a Sustainable Future: The Impact of the RE-CYCLING Project

At Eco Logic, we are committed to promoting sustainability through innovative initiatives. One of our standout projects, RE-CYCLING: Bike Reuse and Riding Fair, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Program, has made a lasting impact by encouraging green mobility, circular economy practices, and active lifestyles among children and communities across Europe. Reviving Cycling, Reducing Waste The […]

At Eco Logic, we are committed to promoting sustainability through innovative initiatives. One of our standout projects, RE-CYCLING: Bike Reuse and Riding Fair, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Sport Program, has made a lasting impact by encouraging green mobility, circular economy practices, and active lifestyles among children and communities across Europe.

Reviving Cycling, Reducing Waste

The RE-CYCLING project was born out of a dual necessity: reintroducing kids to physical activities post-pandemic and addressing the growing problem of bicycle waste. Children outgrow their bikes quickly, leading to unnecessary waste and increased consumption. Our initiative tackled this issue by integrating bike reuse, repair workshops, and cycling fairs, fostering a culture of sustainability in the biking sector.

Key Achievements of the Project

Over the past year, RE-CYCLING has engaged young cyclists, families, and educators across four European countries—North Macedonia, Austria, Italy, and France—through hands-on activities, training programs, and community fairs. Here’s how we measured our success:

Knowledge Growth

Through our Green and Sustainable Biking training program, participants gained a deeper understanding of circular economy principles and sustainable cycling practices. Surveys showed a notable increase in awareness, particularly regarding bike reuse and repair.

Promoting Green Mobility

One of the project’s goals was to increase cycling frequency among students. While data collection faced some challenges, survey results indicated strong motivation for cycling, with safer infrastructure and peer encouragement as key factors for increased bike usage.

Lowering Environmental Footprints

We assessed the carbon footprint of our RE-CYCLING fairs using CO₂ calculators, ensuring these events adhered to eco-friendly principles such as minimal waste, short supply chains, and plastic-free operations. Though comparing emissions to similar events proved difficult, we remain committed to refining our sustainability efforts.

Economic Impact and Bike Repair Success

One of the most impactful aspects of the project was offering free bike repair services. The French RE-CYCLING fair, for example, successfully repaired nearly 100 bicycles, resulting in an estimated €1,900 in savings for participants. By keeping bikes in use longer, we not only reduced costs for families but also minimized waste.

What’s Next?

The success of RE-CYCLING has shown that small-scale circular economy initiatives can drive real change. Moving forward, we aim to:

  • Expand community engagement and repair services
  • Advocate for safer cycling infrastructure
  • Standardize data collection for better impact measurement

By embracing sustainability in cycling, we are not just encouraging healthier lifestyles but also taking meaningful steps toward a greener future. Want to be part of this movement? Stay tuned for our upcoming projects and join us in making a difference.

Ride Green. Repair More. Waste Less.

Funded by the European Union.
Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA).
Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

This publication is part of the project “Re-Cycling – Bike Reuse and Riding Fair”, Project

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