In an increasingly complex and changing world in which, “global crises have become frequent and consequential”, many governments, including municipalities have, also, become more aware of the necessity to “reinvent themselves” and to become more agile and smart in their operations. But what “agile and smart” means, and how can municipalities, and especially local administration of small and peripheral towns and villages evolve and become exactly that – agile and smart? In April and May 2023, we posed these questions to local leaders, civil servants, and other relevant professionals from Italy, Greece and North Macedonia.
We also explored the existing working and learning practices of municipalities, the needs, opportunities and challenges their employees face. The compendium, in that regard, explains agility through the “smart” or “remote working” of Italy, as well as through the so called “concept of agility”. The compendium also offers a list of some key skills and competences which municipal employees should have in order to contribute to the transition towards “agile and smart”, including list of e-learning tools and practices for further development of those skills.The publication is part of the fEUture – CVET program for the next generation of European Local Administrators project.
The European Commission’s support for the project and the production of this publication does not constitute an endorsement of the contents, which reflect the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein.