SMILE AND PLAY Newsletter#3

The main goal for the children/teams playing is to reach a location that is given to them at the very start of the game. To reach that location, the team/children move their pawn across the platform-and this is where the fun begins!

First impressions of the digitalized “Smile and Play“ testing:

We are happy to confirm that the overall look, graphic, and layout of Smile digital is liked by all of us who have tried it out and tested it, unanimously, Of course, that is because the platform was thought out and finalized with fun and bright colors, a clear and vivid background, and multiple options once a player is logged into the platform.

The logging itself has gone through several stages of development, i,e,, repairing bugs and updating after first impressions, simplifying the process of access itself with the goal of reaching a level of an easy game-entering; done via email, or linking with social apps, or simply a sinл up on the very start.

One of the suggestions, another unanimous one, was perhaps a chance for a solo-game, player versus bot or the computer itself, however due to certain technical (platform program) limitations, the game is to be played with at least one other person, instead of a solo-option, but, isn’t that the whole point of SMILE AND PLAY? Having educational fun with other peers ¦) ? That is what we all strive for with this project for informal education…educational teamwork!

Another amazing feature with this digital version is that we have a Game Master!

In these uncertain times when physical playing is not possible, the Game Master on Tabletopia is the teacher or parent itself, who virtually oversees the game tempo, respecting game rules, and simply guides the childreл who play! Practical and useful for all involved! And, the guidance is not restricted only with the Game Master feature – we have also implemented the rulebooks of the original game into a digital tab shown at the very start of the game, This way all players can briefly read the game-rules and will have them on easy access at all times…
We hope that children from age 10 and onwards can enjoy this game version, which was adapted for this age target group, whereas the physical game version starts from ages 8 and onward, as already established from before.

OTHER Publications for children

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