Sustainability Advisor


The training is based on the program under the same name; a program for education of adults, verified by the Adult Education Center and by the Ministry of Education and Science, and created by the Civil Society Organisation Eco Logic.

Training “Sustainability Аdvisor“

The training is based on the program under the same name; a program for education of adults, verified by the Adult Education Center and by the Ministry of Education and Science, and created by the Civil Society Organisation Eco Logic. The first training was implemented in 2019, when the participants received the needed knowledge and skills for analysis, planning, and realizing of the sustainable development in the appropriate organisational sections. The training was implemented during the timespan of four months, with a total of 250 hours covered.

This program covers a theoretical and practical part, where the theoretical part is meant to be implemented in the classroom, and the practical part in a public premise, small/medium/large enterprise or a household. The primary purpose, or target group are the profiles of technical faculties, however this is not a factor of limitation.

Eco Logic as the verified provider of the training “Advisor of sustainable development” also offers partial (modular) trainings, such as: Introduction to sustainable development, global economical and world trends; Strategies of sustainable development on a micro and macro level; Ecological politics, etc.

Manual “Sustainability Аdvisor“

Based on the verified special educational program and the occupational standard  “Advisor of sustainable development”, and in it are covered all modules listed in the program. It is primarily aimed for the participants of the program where it has the role of a helping learning tool, and in it are the appropriate directions for further learning and additional research on this topic. Each of the modules presented in the program is explained in detail, and carefully constructed in the manual, and some of the modules are presented with concrete examples. 

Occupational standard “Sustainability Аdvisor“

After the end of the training are created professional cadres in accordance to the occupational standard “Advisor of sustainable development” which will acquire the appropriate skills, knowledge and competences for evaluation of the environment, identification with benefits, shortcomings, possibilities and threats for implementing of sustainable solutions as part of the analysed organisational sections, confirming of the indicators of following the processes efficiency, implementing eco-check, as well as creating of suggested solutions on sustainable development in the organisational sections.

More information you can find on:


OTHER Activities


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