Sustainable development and green growth


This brochure was created as part of the regular activities of Eco Logic, in close cooperation with the Civil Society Organization “Healthy For Life”.

The Planet Earth is in critical condition. One of the reasons is the massive increase of population, especially in this century. The influence of more people present on Earth is more than obvious, expenditure, or better put, irrational usage of resources is more present than before.

Everything happens because of us, the people. The more we are, the greater the danger of destroying the Earth. We need balance, we need something that will unite the society, economy and environment.We need the concept sustainable development.

The manual for raising the awareness regarding ecology, and promoting the concept of sustainable development, offers information and facts related to the theme.

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OTHER Publications Publications for adults

Empowering Green Leaders: The GREEEN Project in Action

The GREEEN project is more than just an initiative—it’s a movement that equips young minds with the tools to create lasting environmental change. Coordinated by Eco Logic and supported by partner organizations across Europe, this project is actively shaping the next generation of eco-entrepreneurs, educators, and sustainability advocates. Building Capacity for a Greener Future At […]

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InterGreen Билтен #3: Резултати и достигнувања

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InterGreen Билтен #2: Зајакнување на зелените вештини во општините

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A Guide to Organizing Sustainable Cycling Events

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Pedaling Towards a Sustainable Future: The Impact of the RE-CYCLING Project

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Еко Логик ја Поддржува Одржливоста преку Проектот „Sustainability Coaches“

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