
The VREurope project is an educational initiative co-funded by the European Union, aiming to revolutionize learning methodologies by integrating Virtual Reality (VR) technology with language, culture, and historical studies. The project’s primary objective is to enhance educational engagement and deepen comprehension of historical events through immersive experiences.ludusxr.comKey Features of VREurope: By leveraging VR technology, VREurope […]

The VREurope project is an educational initiative co-funded by the European Union, aiming to revolutionize learning methodologies by integrating Virtual Reality (VR) technology with language, culture, and historical studies. The project’s primary objective is to enhance educational engagement and deepen comprehension of historical events through immersive experiences.
Key Features of VREurope:

  • Immersive Learning Platform: VREurope is developing a multiplayer, immersive VR-augmented learning platform that combines language, culture, and history. Learners can study the language, culture, and history of EU partner countries through an e-learning system that employs speech recognition for verbal interaction and dialogue practice, guided by artificial intelligence. This is integrated into a VR narrative where two learners participate together in significant historical events, ensuring that these events unfold correctly, akin to an “escape-room” experience.
  • epale.ec.europa.eu
  • Curriculum Development: The project aims to develop language and culture curricula for each partner language, including English. It also focuses on identifying significant historical events that can be transformed into VR experiences, allowing learners to interact with and resolve situations to ensure these events occur as they did in history.
  • ludusxr.com
  • Technological Integration: Advanced technological tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI), Machine Learning (ML), and Automatic Speech Recognition (ASR) are utilized to create VR simulations. These simulations enable learners to interact with historical contexts dynamically and experientially, fostering interdisciplinary understanding and cross-cultural exchange.
  • Target Audience: While primarily targeting young learners aged 16-25, educators, and stakeholders related to that age group, the project also extends to adult learners, including NEETs (Not in Education, Employment, or Training), marginalized groups, or individuals with non-traditional learning needs. The immersive, interactive, game-based environment is designed to appeal to these diverse audiences.
  • Project Duration: The VREurope project spans 36 months, from January 2023 to January 2026.

By leveraging VR technology, VREurope seeks to provide learners with unique opportunities to engage with historical narratives, develop a nuanced understanding of the past, and promote European values of peace, tolerance, inclusion, and diversity.

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