Children and pupils must learn to be pro-active and think outside the box to address the world’s current challenges that are well elaborated in the United Nation’s Social Development Goals (UN-SDG). Using the UN-SDG as framework, the project will develop and facilitate the acquisition of these 21st century skills.

Our children today are growing up in a world completely different from previous generations. The planet is under stress from pollution and climate change. To secure the planet and future generations, we need to learn to live in a sustainable manner. It is thus important to recognize that children and pupils need to be able to address these problems and be part of the solution. They need to master 21st century skills such as creativity, critical thinking, and problem-solving skills, media literacy and entrepreneurship.
Children and pupils must learn to be pro-active and think outside the box to address the world’s current challenges that are well elaborated in the United Nation’s Social Development Goals (UN-SDG). Using the UN-SDG as framework, the project will develop and facilitate the acquisition of these 21st century skills. This focus is derived from the belief that informed and fact-based knowledge about global issues such as pollution, water contamination, etc. will inspire pupils to become more socially aware and open up entrepreneurial possibilities that they had otherwise not considered.
The project aims to challenge the pupils to come up with solution, work together, co-create and think critically both on how the issues of the world have arisen and how they can contribute towards a solution. Combining 21st century skills and the UN-SDG provides a perfect opportunity for pupils to develop critical thinking, problem solving, entrepreneur- ship and digital competences while working with real world issues such as pollution, water contamination, equality, etc.

МKD Curriculum

OTHER Publications for children

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