Дел од причините поради кои, средношколците со кои разговаравме во вторникот, не одат на училиште со велосипед се: (1) големата оддалеченост на училиштето од нивниот дом; (2) временските услови и, особено, студеното време во зима и жештините во лето; (3) стравот од возење велосипед во сообраќај, како и (4) стравот дека велосипедот ќе им биде […]
Read moreFrom 25-27 October, Eco Logic was part the event Mountain Film Festival – EHO, where we had a chance to entertain the youngest with our educational and interactive games, Velo Neighborhood, Eco Neighborhood and modified version of Twister with the Ma…
Read moreEco Logic and the Education Center for Children “Zhabec” were part of a cycling competition for children organized by the Cycling Club VSD Energy, Skopje.
Read moreEco Logic`s team was part of the Social Innovators Conference, held in Skopje, on the 2nd of October.
Read moreWithin the project “SMILE”, Eco Logic participated in organization of the final event of the project, the “Velo Rodeo” – Rome. The event took place in Rome, Italy and it was organized by five organizations, the coordinator from Italy and the other pa…
Read moreEco Logic in close collaboration with the local community of the village Bogomila, in central Macedonia organized a two day event as part of the marking of the Planet Earth day, 22nd of April. Day one was planned for cleaning of the trash in the village with help from the pupils from the village elementary […]
Read more2nd international meeting as part of the SMILE project, held in Athens, Greece
Read moreThe 3rd international meeting regarding the SMILE project was held in Athens, Greece
Read moreEco Logic conducted 10 workshops promoting the board game Velo Maalo (Velo Neighborhood)
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