Cope-Well – Competences for Everyday Mental Wellbeing

Cope-Well – Competences for Everyday Mental Wellbeing – KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education Eco Logic in a partnership with Humanost. Ref No: 2024-1-SE0 1 -KA220-ADU-000248297

Cope-Well – Competences for Everyday Mental Wellbeing – KA220-ADU – Cooperation partnerships in adult education

Eco Logic in a partnership with Humanost.

Ref No: 2024-1-SE0 1 -KA220-ADU-000248297

  • Project Objectives: COPE WELL proposes to equip targeted adults (people with fewer opportunities) with key life skills and competencies to
    sustainably manage their mental wellbeing, build healthier key life habits for self-awareness towards mental wellbeing and
    resilience in everyday life, as well as to prevent mental health issues, particularly relevant in the actual context of multiple
    crisis in Europe, hence supporting and empowering them to access and stay in training.
  • Activities: 
    • Develop, validate, test tools for targeted adults that offer easy understanding on mental wellbeing, and techniques to
      enhance it
    • Create, validate, test a boardgame that offers a fun, engaging, social, inclusive learning experience in mental wellbeing
    • Design, validate, test a training course for AE professionals on how to use the COPE WELL OERs to support targeted
    • Design, develop, test and promote the COPE WELL e-HUB
    • Organise Promotion&Exploitation events to celebrate COPE WELL
  • Results:
    • Interactive COPE WELL BOARDGAME (&Guideline) – to understand, develop skills for and promote mental wellbeing
    • TRAINING COURSE for AE professionals on how to support targeted adults in using the COPEW ELL OERs
    • COPE WELL e-HUB to understand and enhance mental wellbeing
    • COPE WELL Social Boardgame Cafés 
  • Duration: 01.09.2024- 28.02.2027
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