Digital Plan for Environmental Education


The Civil Society Organization Eco Logic has realized an online inter-school competition on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, within the program Velo Schools.

Project implemented by: Civil Society Organization Eco Logic

The Civil Society Organization Eco Logic has realized an online inter-school competition on energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, within the program Velo Schools. The goal of the competition was to encourage interest in activities about preserving nature and taking action, i.e., the educational component as directed toward energy efficiency, healthy habits, fun in nature and at home, as well as to encourage the competitive spirit of pupils and the schools overall. Furthermore, in a time of increased digital usage, the goal was to motivate the pupils to use their time in front of computers or phones in a useful way.

The target groups were pupils of 7th, 8th, and 9th grade. The competition was realized through the digital game “Eco Neighborhood”, otherwise available on the platform “Tabletopia” on the following link:

The call for enrolling of participants was opened on the 15th of October, and the conducting of the competitions occurred in November.

The competitions were moderated by representatives of the Civil Society Organization Eco Logic, however, every participant was supported by a mentor. The duration of one competition lasted an hour (60 minutes) of gameplay, and the player with the most points at the moment won the gameplay. 12 schools, i.e., 12 pupils had direct participation and manifested their interest in the given topic

The competition was taking place in several stages:

  1. The interested schools organized an internal competition with 4 pupils and a winner was chosen from them, who in turn was the nominated for the inter-school competition which signifies that in the competitions there were 48 pupils participating from 12 schools across the country.
    • Elementary school “J.H.Pestalozzi” – Skopje
      Elementary school “Rade Kratovche” – Kochani
      Elementary school “Dame Gruev” – vlg. Erdzelija, St. Nikole
      Elementary school “Malina Popivanova” – Kochani
      Elementary school “petre Arsov” – Bogomila
      Elementary school “Vancho Kitanov” – Pehchevo
      Elementary school “Dimche A. Gaberot” – Demir Kapija
      Elementary school “Toli Zordimus” – Kumanovo
      Elementary school “Dimitar Vlahov” – Skopje
      Elementary school “Kosta Racin” – Brvenica, Tetovo
      Elementary school “Vera Jocikj” – Skopje
      Elementary school “Kocho Racin” – Blatec, Vinica
  2. The winners of the internal competitions continued with the online competition with other pupils that were representatives of their schools;
  3. The selection of reaching the semi-finals and finals was realized in four competitions between 12 schools;
  4. In the semi-finals, 4 pupils were competing, 2 out of which played in the finals, and the rest 2 were competing for 3rd and 4th place.
  5. The final gameplay was realized on 27.11.2020.

The winners of the competition are:

⭐1st place – David Kitanovski, 8th grade, elementary school “Vera Jocikj”, Skopje
⭐2nd place – Jovana Lazarevska, 9th grade, elementary school “ToliZordimus”, Kumanovo
⭐3rd place – EfimijaDimitkovska, 8th grade, elementary school “VanchoKitanov”, Pehchevo
⭐4th place – HristijanZaharchev, 9th grade, elementary school “DimcheAngelovGaberot”, DemirKapija


All of the pupils and mentors that were part of the online competitions have unconditionally shown their motivation and competitive spirit during all the sessions of gameplay. We have confirmed that through playing a game, we could all together influence the digital skills development, the knowledge on the topic of energy efficiency and renewable energy sources, encouraging of changes, as well as the pupils’ competitive spirit itself.

Awarded prizes

1st place

For the pupil:

  • Bicycle,
  • Certificate

For the school:

  • Parking for 3 bicycles + 5 copies of the educational game Velo Neighborhood.
  • Shirt for the mentors.
  • Certificates for the mentor and the school.

2nd place

For the pupil:

  • Helmet + bottle for water + shirt Velo
  • Rodeo Certificate

For the school:

  • Parking for 3 bicycles + 3 copies of the educational game Velo Neighborhood
  • Shirt for the mentors
  • Certificates for the mentor and the school

3rd place

For the pupil:

  • Helmet + tote bag
  • Certificate

For the school:

  • Parking for 3 bicycles + 2 copies of the educational game Velo Neighborhood
  • Shirt for the mentors
  • Certificates for the mentor and the school


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