Education on energy

This project purpose is educating children at age of 10-12 in elementary schools about education on topics such as energy efficiency, climate changes and sustainable living through creative theoretical and practical examples.

General info:

This project purpose is educating children at age of 10-12 in elementary schools about education on topics such as energy efficiency, climate changes and sustainable living through creative theoretical and practical examples. Eco Logic will conduct a 15 month project in 20 elementary schools in the city of Skopje, 10 in Municipality of Karposh, 7 in Municipality of Centar, and 3 in Municipality of Ilinden, targeting approximately 1000 children, and 60 members of staff from the targeted educational institutions, as well as 6 representatives from local authorities involved in this project. The activities within the project involve direct work and approach towards the children (didactic materials, lectures and workshops).

The project consists of introduction of creative approaches and methods for non formal learning about topics such as: energy efficiency, climate change and sustainable living. Through theory and practice the children will learn the importance of energy, how it is used by humans and what are the potential consequences of irrational usage of energy upon the environment. Within this project it is planned to introduce practical examples related to production of alternative energy, by the children themselves. This will be realized with simple sets for production of energy, specially designed for educational purposes. The sets are available for purchase through the web. In the same time with the practical learning and introduction of examples for production of energy and energy efficiency, the team of Eco Logic will create didactic materials on the related topics such as climate change and sustainable living, in close context to the project and its learning objectives.

The project is supported by Swiss Development Cooperation Agency.

Specific Project Objectives:

  • Increasing understanding and knowledge among children on topics: energy efficiency, climate change and sustainable living.
  • Introducing new and creative ways of learning for environment for youth, in formal educational institutions.

(I)  Workshops, presentations and meetings with the school principals and staff from 20 elementary schools in Municipality  of Karposh, Municipality of Centar and Municipality of Ilinden.

(II)  Workshops and presentations for professors and students through theoretical examples

(III) Preparation of didactic materials for the project (brochure, tool/guidance for creating practical assignments, coloring  and picture books)

(IV)  Workshops and presentations for professors and students through practical work

(V) Debates on the topic of energy efficiency, climate change and sustainable development

(VI)  Creation of an ,,Educational Board Game”

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