The purpose of the educational tool is: to motivate young people to think and be in the role of social entrepreneurs, to encourage creativity, to develop research and analytical skills, to acquire competencies for defining a problem and an idea, and to understand the necessary stages for the realization of a social enterprise.
Resources offered by the tool are:
– Presentations, articles, videos that are informative and serve to introduce social
entrepreneurship in general, but also the topics that are important for the creation
and sustainability of green solutions: Eco-design, cleaner production, and
consumption, sustainable development, tools, and methods for sustainable
development, etc. The materials are part of the created modules, which are also available on the site: www.green-entrepreneur.net
– Completion documents for idea development (marketing research, problem definition, idea and mission definition, empathy map, business plan writing, business tooling, prototyping and then entering green aspects, etc.)
– Quizzes between the separate fields for checking the acquired knowledge, but also for:
the whole learning process by solving quiz questions.
– Inspirational thoughts and stories.
– The tool is constructed based on the “Design Thinking” methodology which aims to discover and understand the real needs, problems and boundaries, intending to develop creative solutions. The process involves methods that foster empathy for People.
Link to access the educational tool: https://green-entrepreneur.net/interactive-tools/#ax_s0