“Environmental and Cultural Optimism” Project – Bulgaria

Environmental and Cultural Optimism (ECO) is a youth exchange project that aims at acquainting young people with environmental issues, encouraging them to live healthier lifestyle close to nature as an alternative to sedentary living in the cities, …

Location: Maliovitsa, Govedartsi Village, Rila Mountains

Duration: 7 days (21 – 27.08.2017)

38 participants, aged 18-30

Countries: Bulgaria, Italy, Macedonia, Romania, Serbia

This project encouraged the youth participants to discuss the global and local environmental issues, the excessive construction, urbanization and globalization challenges, as well as the uncontrolled waste generation and disposal. During the workshops, each country had an opportunity to present the waste collection and disposal strategy on a national level and the appropriate measures adopted in order to reduce the harmful emissions. Each evening different country group presented their national history, food and drinks, traditional dances and variety of other cultural characteristics. The fifth day of the training was completely about getting close to the nature. In the morning, the participants were part of a workshop for “handling in the mountains” where a trained instructor showed them how to find food and drinkable water in the mountains and the second part of the day contained workshops dedicated to camp preparation, making useful things from natural materials and outdoor cooking.

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