Erasmus+ Sport Project: Good governance and sustainability in sport (GAIA)

Erasmus+ Sport Project: Good governance and sustainability in sport (GAIA)Reference number: 101089949 – GAIADuration: 01.12.2022-31.05.2025 Eco – Logic is a partner organization. “Good governance and sustainability in sport practice (GAIA); is a Cooperative Partnership in the field of Sport aiming at fostering the contribution of sports to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically […]

Erasmus+ Sport Project: Good governance and sustainability in sport (GAIA)
Reference number: 101089949 – GAIA
Duration: 01.12.2022-31.05.2025

Eco – Logic is a partner organization.

“Good governance and sustainability in sport practice (GAIA); is a Cooperative Partnership in the field of Sport aiming at fostering the contribution of sports to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals, more specifically to SDGs #11 Sustainable cities and communities, #13 Climate action and #17 Partnership for the goals. The project dimension spaces from local sports associations to affirmed organisations in the field of Sport, with a heterogenous partnership that ensures a complete framework of sports organisations and the related sustainability and good governance fields.      

The GAIA project aims to create a strong awareness on the topic and foster the implementation of good governance and sustainability actions. In fact, sport presents broad opportunities to promote environmental awareness, capacity building and far- reaching actions for environmental, social and economic development across society.

1. Sustainable Sport Governance Officer Curriculum – The Sustainable Sport
Governance Officer Curriculum will detail the skills, competences and attitudes needed by the professional figure identified to act as a champion of sustainability and good governance within sports organisations.

2. E-course on Sustainable Sport Governance – The e-course will be produced as an
educational Format adaptable to the needs and context-specific characteristics of sports organisations’ members interested in implementing sustainability and GG principles in the code of ethics,

3. Educational programme on Sustainable Sport Governance – The Educational
Programme will be a 6 days training programme on Sustainability and Good Governance for sports organisations’ members.

4. Sustainable Sport Governance Chart – The Sustainable Sport Governance Chart will be the resulting document of the participatory phase, including 8 principles and no more than 10, which will be jointly developed directly by the involved Sport managers, coaches, athletes, and volunteers, from grassroots sport organisations up to recognized sport federation

5. GAIA Network Platform – The GAIA Network Platform will be the hosting platform of the GAIA Network, a network of informed and committed sport clubs and organisation set up with participants to the participatory phase, partners and other stakeholders.

Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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