European Values through European Intelligence


Partnership project between organizations from Germany, UK, Macedonia, Austria and Denmark, realized through the ERAZMUS+ Programme

The project is aiming at developing a state-of-the-art approach in the provision of common European values to adult learners and beyond. The methodology will be basing on the principles of Cultural Intelligence (CQ). Cultural intelligence is a rather new methodology that can be understood as the capability to relate and work effectively across cultures. This approach will be transferred and further developed as a practice model for European Intelligence (EQ), being easily usable and transferable to different learning environments working in the provision of common European values.

Target groups of the project will primarily be teaching staff, stakeholders and multipliers in adult and youth education. The overall objective is to build up the target groups’ capacities in teaching European values by using the EQ methodology. Voluntary staff (i.e. in integration courses) shall be addressed as well. End beneficiaries of the project are adults and young learners, including newly arrived migrants and refugees. During the project lifetime, it is envisaged that about 375 participants will benefit directly from the project results.

Project coordinator:

  • VNB (DEU)

Project partners:

  • Eco Logic (MK)
  • INTERVAL ltd (UK),
  • mht Consult (DNK),
  • uniT (AUT).

The first international meeting was held in Hannover, Germany from 23rd to 26st of November 2016, where the partners were acquainted with the project, and each other, and discussed future planned activities.

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