Graffiti Art Takes the Street

The project GATS is an Erazmus+ project that strives for major changes in societal views, or in other words, how specific art, like street art graffiti, is perceived. Up until now, it is familiar to all of us how graf- fiti art was struggling to gain a good reputation as a type of art.

Project title: Graffiti Art Takes the Street

Project Acronym: GATS

Project start date: 05.04.2021

Project end date: 04.10.2022

Project ID: KA227-3DFA5DE7

Coordinator of the project:

  • Embaixada da Juventude-Portugal

Partner Organizations:

  • Eco Logic-Macedonia
  • Udruzenje Gradjana BUM-Serbia
  • uniT GmbH-Austria


The goals of this project include above all legalization of street art pieces, i.e., improving the reputation that graffiti have, even in modern times. Also, another goal is to convey important messages to the society, communities, and youths – on themes like environment, ecology, youth activism, and climate change. Lastly, another goal hand in hand with this above is to improve the employability and networking of the young artists that would create the street art pieces in the partner countries.

Realized activities in 2021:

From the very start of the project, there were virtual meetings that were realized with the partner organizations. also, a Facebook page was created, a project logo and cover art (project brand), and there was also the creating of the first newsletter for the project.


At the end of the project, there should be 20 artists in total (5 per country) who will have completed the art pieces. Per artist, there should be 2 graffiti pieces ( total 40 graffiti pieces of all partners). Per partner country, there should be 10 locations for the graffiti creations. All of the graffiti should be on the topics of ecology, environment, climate changes, and youth activism. Another result of the project will be a short film featuring the process of graffiti creation with the artist themselves, i.e., the creative work process.

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