Project title: GREEEN: Games, Resources, Environment, Enterprenurship, and
Education Network
Project acronym: GREEEN
Project start date: 01-11-2021
Duration: 36 months
Project end date: 30-04-2025
Project ID: KA220-SCH-EF5C6007
Coordinator of the project:
Eco Logic, The Republic of North Macedonia
Sprijin si Dezvoltare, Romania Centru Brasov SSOU “Dimitrie Chupovski” The Republic of North Macedonia
General aim:
The general aim of the GREEEN project is to build capacities that successfully address local and regional environmental, social and educational issues/challenges, though socially inclusive activities that raise environmental awareness and level of information, create opportunities for direct involvement and entrepreneurial action in solving local and national
challenges, and support the collaboration between school children, educators, representatives of educational institutions towards the development of cross national educational resources.
The key activities (creating of the web platform and its contents, the series of entrepreneurial projects and the development of open educational resources/didactic resources) are designed to establish an intensive collaboration between beneficiaries (school children, educators, educational institutions), enable them to act trans nationally and across sectors, create
opportunities for beneficiaries to acquire skills and experience in the areas of social innovation, environmental care, entrepreneurship, community involvement and digital education, create opportunities for practical demonstration of the acquired skills, and thus actively contribute to individual, institutional and social transformation and change. In particular, with the
creation of the web platform, the project aims to develop and strengthen digital learning and teaching, and digital literacy skills, engage educators and pupils in the process of informal and online education and thus contribute to the process of digital transformation of youth activism and schooling. More specifically, the creation of online journal aims to develop digital
journalist skills, inform, raise awareness about, and internationalize the local and national environmental challenges. With the online education contents “The Green Classroom”, the project tends to create a collaborative, transnational digital learning and teaching environment that fosters international collaboration and inclusion and offers opportunity to develop
digital pedagogic skills, with the focus on Social Sciences, Natural Sciences, Arts, Technologies, English language and writing skills. The competitions and the board game designed will offer an opportunity to school pupils for an interactive and entertaining involvement in activities designed to produce visible environmental changes. While part of the competitions will only raise the awareness and motivate long lasting involvement of the beneficiaries in actions aimed to cope with local environmental challenges, the entrepreneurial projects undertaken by teams of teachers and pupils are designed to enable the participants develop entrepreneurial and project design skills to be applied within the projects of their own design. By so doing, the project aims to foster spirit of entrepreneurialism, project design skills, civil engagement, and international collaboration. In the long run it intends to create the necessary capacities within the associating partners (schools) to produce and partake in similar initiatives and projects in future. Finally, the third goal of the project is to support a collective and collaborative creation of educational resources undertaken by international groups of pupils, educators and curricula experts. In this respect, the project tends to fortify the
educators’ skills in developing extracurricular didactic sources, enable a creation of international curricula relevant to all national curricula in the subject of social and natural sciences, and for the first time to create an opportunity for pupils to be part of the process of curricula development and didactic resources design. Thus, it will contribute to the process of informal/extracurricular education in the areas of environmentalism and entrepreneurship, will address the need of practical skills and experiences- based curricula, the lack of education resources in some of the key areas such as environmental issues, social inclusion.
- Eco-competition with 20 site Eco-interventions.
- Online comic/graphic book series “The Green Monster Stories”
- 8 entrepreneurial projects undertaken by national teams consisting of
teachers and pupils. - Eco-entrepreneurial curriculum
- 8 modules of 10 online lessons in Natural Sciences, Social Sciences,
Technology - Online module in written literacy (16 classes)
- Online journal (a series of 100+ online contents on the topics of
environmental issues and entrepreneurship created by teachers and
school children. - A series of extracurricular activities in Social Sciences, Natural Sciences,
Technology and Art created by teachers and pupils. “Learning is Greener
on the E+ side”, event to promote the two