Categories Project title: Innovative Approaches for Development of Sustainable Communities by Kids Project acronym: INNO Kids Project start date: 01/09/2023 Duration: 25 months Project end date: 30/09/2025 Project ID:  ID KA220-SCH-2B800C18 Coordinator of the project: Strom zivota, Slovakia, Bratislava Partner Organizations: Eco Logic, The Republic of Macedonia ; ASOCIATIA CFPC CONSTANTA Romania Sud-Est CONSTANTA ; OOU […]


Project title: Innovative Approaches for Development of Sustainable
Communities by Kids
Project acronym: INNO Kids
Project start date: 01/09/2023
Duration: 25 months
Project end date: 30/09/2025
Project ID:  ID KA220-SCH-2B800C18
Coordinator of the project: Strom zivota, Slovakia, Bratislava
Partner Organizations: Eco Logic, The Republic of Macedonia ; ASOCIATIA CFPC CONSTANTA Romania Sud-Est CONSTANTA ; OOU Petar Pop Arsov, The Republic of Macedonia, Skopje; Centro Apoio Social de Pais e Amigos da Escola nº 10 – CASPAE Portugal Centro (PT) Coimbra Mine Vaganti NGO Italy Sardegna SASSARI

General aim:

The project INNOKIDS addresses the growing environmental challenges of the 21st century by developing, testing and integrating learning material for pupils, in the area of urban planning in a sustainable and environmentally friendly way. The children are the heart of each society; they are future engineers, urban planners, community designers, decision makers and citizens of the world and it is their right to design their own environment. Acknowledging that there is a need for taking into account the eco systems, the project will address
and work in relation to Sustainable Development Goal #11 (SDG 11) – Sustainable Cities and Communities, with the purpose of educating children at an early age about the value of sustainable community development and urban planning in an environmentally friendly way. The project’s working packages and training activities are carefully designed and developed to equip children to be active agents of social change.

2. Promoting interest and excellence in STE(A)M (SCHOOL): As the INNOKIDS project targets children and teachers (+ other types of educators/trainers working with children) about
sustainable development, the children will inevitably be introduced to the STE(A)M approach. The developed learning material on sustainable and environmentally friendly urban planning and designing will demand the use of Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics when the students are tasked to develop their own ecological city. The preparation of the planned curriculum will also entail arts strategies, as the students will build and design their own city(is) by using second hand LEGO bricks and exhibit the models afterwards, during school fairs, public events and other gatherings. Note to be taken: the [produced materials will all be developed in line with the concept of Eco Logic cross-curricular approach, so the outreach of the project is higher and more effective.

3. Supporting teachers, school leaders and other teaching professions (SCHOOL): The project targets teachers and other educators & trainers working with children and schools, providing them with tools, but also knowledge and skills on how to use them in ruder to children’s understanding of the connection between natural systems, urban landscapes and ecological city planning. By participating in the project, teachers will develop transversal skills and competencies, supporting the quality education of their students The objective of INNO KIDS project are: To advocate for a more sustainable and ecologically friendly approach to urban design that focuses on social and ecological objectives; To support awareness raising and capacity building around sustainable development, notably Sustainable Development Goal 11 (Sustainable Cities and Communities), using training / curriculum model in all participating countries (through school engagement); To equip teachers and other educators/trainers working with schools’ adequate skills, knowledge and attitude towards sustainable community development and urban planning. To promote and increase children’s understanding in the disciplines of ecosystems and urban landscapes, as well as ecological planning processes, in order for them to gain social, civic, and environmental skills; To produce integrated learning and teaching material Regarding the results, the project is expected to deliver the following: Training Methodology and Manual for Teachers & Educational Staff: the methodology exemplifies the project’s paradigm shift through an integrated set of online interactive maps that will include the history of city-building techniques. The trainer manual provides teachers and educational staff with tools on how to teach both ecological urbanism and ecological building techniques.

Web Platform: Development of a multilingual web platform that will support the delivery of, and access to, all learning content produced. The portal will be optimized for use online and all material will be further elaborated to become Open Educational Resources, freely accessible through the platform.

R.1: Teachers guidebook/manual on how to introduce experiential learning through LEGO and other everyday (reused, recyclable) resources
R.2: School curriculum with 5 modules (topics), 20 lesson/topic plans, and 100 activities
R.3: Testing sessions with 50 workshops in total, 900 (expected 2700 pupils) pupils and 45 teachers involved (expected 135)
R.4: Development of a model for training programme for teachers and other educators
R.5: Delivery of a teacher training with 20 teachers and 10 Edu staff on experiential learning though LEGO and other everyday resources
R.6: Delivery of eco fairs (multiplier event) with min. of 30 people present in each country
R.7: Web platform – OER, with 100 Edu videos, webinars, presentations

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