Inter Green

INTER GREEN Municipalities across Europe, more often lack the strategic know-how when it comes to facing new challenges to sustainable development. In many cases, the different municipal sectors such as environment, urban planning, economic and social development, including social services are in need of employees equipped with green skills and competences to take specific local […]


  1. Project bio
  • Title: The Inter-green Project: Building Sustainability Advisors for Greener Municipalities across Europe
  • Acronym: Inter-Green
  • Start date: 01/09/2022
  • End date: 28/02/2025
  • ID: KA220-VET-D59BF297
  • Number: 
  1. Partners
  • GIP Formation Et Insertion Professionnelle De L’ Academie De Nice (France) – coordinator
  • Eco Logic (Macedonia)
  • Municipio De Lousada (Portugal) 
  • SYNTHESIS Center for Research and Education Limited (Cyprus)
  • CIAPE – Centro Italiano per L’apprendiment o Permanente (Italy) 
  • KENTRO Epagelmatikis Katartisis DIAS EPE (Greece)
  1. Context/Background

Municipalities across Europe, more often lack the strategic know-how when it comes to facing new challenges to sustainable development. In many cases, the different municipal sectors such as environment, urban planning, economic and social development, including social services are in need of employees equipped with green skills and competences to take specific local action to solve problems like energy efficiency, zero waste, social inequality, environmental protection etc. VET opportunities, on the other hand, are either unequally distributed within countries, and across municipal sectors or there are simply limited VET opportunities, especially sustainable ones. 

In that regard, Inter-Green is designed to address the particular issue by offering a VET training program tailored to municipalities’ needs and problems. Through a problem-based methodology and a case study approach the participants will be offered an opportunity to design a solution to a concrete municipal problem while learning at the same time. Furthermore, Inter-Green will offer a possibility for municipalities, not only the selected ones but others to re-adapt and reuse the VET program and to undertake the same training as a means to solving their own specific issues/problems; will offer a supportive learning tool – a board game and finally, will build a strategy for standardization, national and internationalization certification of municipal green skills (qualifications).

  1. Objectives

Inter-Green Team will aim to enhance capacities of 6 municipalities in the target countries. It will focus on enabling representatives of different municipal sectors to more efficiently cope with the local challenges related to sustainable development. The project will be a starting point in the provision of a sustainable VET program that will offer qualifications certificated on national and international level.

  1. Activities and results

The project will produce: 

  • VET training “Green skills for sustainable development of municipalities;
  • Supporting tools: a) board game “Green Ability” and b) an online course;
  • A network of trained trainers to transfer skills and knowledge to other municipalities;
  • Strategy for standardization and certification of gained qualifications on national and international level.
  1. Impact

In the long run, the project will create a large body of public servants trained to solve local challenges to sustainable development.

The Inter-Green Project is an Erasmus+ project and is funded by the European Union

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