International Training Course on how to reach and communicate with young people in your local communities


How to reach the majority of young people who don’t frequent traditional youth work? Why not go “out of our box”, directly towards young people face to face (in the place they live) or virtually?


The training consisted of several elements. During the training the participants were introduced to different innovative approaches on how to gain contact to young people “who are hard” to be reached. This was explored through different ways to approach young people virtually or face to face, not waiting for them to come by themselves, but being present in the settings where they already are. There was a clear focus on creativity and innovation in order to promote these new approaches.

Researching the context

The participants experienced youth work in action – and work and talk with youth workers working with young people on the street. In this setting youth workers are constantly developing new ways to engage young people, once they are not attached to a place or a group. The participants also got a chance to talk to the young people with whom they work. To complete the picture, a researcher from EU Kids Online, outlined the context of this issue and identify some of the risks and trends in how young people behave and use the internet on a European level.

Creating awareness

Another important element was to create awareness on how to support young people in recognising and developing their own “virtual skills”. The increased recognition made it easier for young people to “translate” these competences (like self-organisation, networking, graphic skills etc.) into something they can use to increase their employability and entrepreneurial skills.

Risk and safety

If youth workers are “virtually skilled and present” on the Internet, they will also be able to more efficiently support young people to avoid and identify potential risks and also discover potential problems like (loneliness, bulling, extremism etc.)

All in all, every aim was achieved and now we continue to spread the knowledge we have gaind on the seminar.

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