LAB-ADA It is estimated that about 128 million adults in Europe have the potential for upskilling and reskilling, a potential which remains untapped due to work-related and family-related time shortage experienced by the low-skilled adult population. This fact, in conjunction with technological advancements globalizing the labour market and increasingly favoring high skilled individuals, necessitates flexible […]


  1. Project bio
  • Title: LAB for Adults non-formal Digital Awareness
  • Acronym: LAB-ADA
  • Start date: 1 November 2021
  • Duration: 24 months
  • End date: 1 November 2023
  • ID:
  • Number:
  1. Partners
  • Lietuvos Imitaciniu Bendroviu Asociacija LIBA (Lituania) – coordinator
  • Consorzio Scuola Communità Impresa CSCI (Italy)
  • Prometeo (Italy)
  • M. Filippi – I. Grioriadis OE / Ecoktima (Greece)
  1. Context/background

It is estimated that about 128 million adults in Europe have the potential for upskilling and reskilling, a potential which remains untapped due to work-related and family-related time shortage experienced by the low-skilled adult population. This fact, in conjunction with technological advancements globalizing the labour market and increasingly favoring high skilled individuals, necessitates flexible and innovative solutions to the skill gap for European adults.

The LAB-ADA partnership aims to define and produce transnational tools and outputs concerned with this issue, including an innovative web learning approach for advancing and sustaining low skilled adults possibilities to gain knowledge, foster their wellbeing and mental health, and assist them in entering their desirable job market.

The project aims to create tools for adult educators and adults focused on non-formal digital learning possibilities, expand the offer of high-quality courses and increase participation through effective awareness, orientation and motivation strategies for groups of adult learners, and build a holistic framework and a replicable training model to manage the adoption of new skills among organization staff members and low skilled workers.

  1. Objectives

The objective of the LAB-ADA project is to create outputs useful for adults, adult educators, labour advisors, policy-makers, social partners, public employment services and learning providers that can help create better opportunities for low-skilled adults – while also aiming to make adult learning more interesting and relevant for these target groups.

  1. Activities and results

The project will produce two results:

– Mapping Frame for Improvements: a methodological document guiding the development of the Toolkit, a four-pillar frame mapping the factors that affect low skilled adults learning interlined with the skills that need to be developed in order to improve their capabilities to pursue what they value in life.

– Toolkit for Remote Co-Design activities: an open-source toolkit for the development of creative-collaborative online projects, meant to foster and strengthen the digital skills of low skilled adults.

  1. Impact

The LAB-ADA project is expected to mobilize the target groups – provide educators and learning providers with new ways to teach, and low-skilled adults with new possibilities to acquire the necessary new skills required by the labour market of the future.

LAB -ADA is an Erasmus+ project and is funded by the European Union

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