New Sky

Project title: Migrants Living Under a New SkyProject acronym: MiLiu – TR SMART WORKING AND TRAININGProject start date: 08/09/2022Duration: 24 monthsProject end date: 08/09/2024Project ID: KA210-VET-663DCFF2 Coordinator of the project:Mažoji Bendrija “Gynta projektai” Lithuania Partner Organizations:Eco Logic, The Republic of MacedoniaPrometeo, Italy Description:A survey made by partners indicate that there is a gap concerning “language […]

Project title: Migrants Living Under a New Sky
Project start date: 08/09/2022
Duration: 24 months
Project end date: 08/09/2024
Project ID: KA210-VET-663DCFF2

Coordinator of the project:
Mažoji Bendrija “Gynta projektai” Lithuania

Partner Organizations:
Eco Logic, The Republic of Macedonia
Prometeo, Italy

A survey made by partners indicate that there is a gap concerning “language key competencies”, “basic skills” and “employability skills”, however in many EU member states and partner countries the approach to education at every stage of life is not so much “competency-driven” – it is rather the knowledge that is being offered. All migrant adults need a broader set of competencies to find fulfilling jobs and become independent, engaged citizens who contribute to society. Very often literacy and language skills and other employability competencies are furthered for those already in employment thanks to investments made by their employers whereas young people starting their career, especially those with special language and digital needs – due to history of migration, health and C-19 restrictions, learning impairments, low income, not being in education and employment – are left unassisted and remain excluded from the acquisition of key competences development.

Target group:

1. Adult migrants (18 y. and older) involved in I-VET and C-VET education;

2. C-VET Trainers/teachers working with technological and digital subjects;

3. I-VET Trainers/teachers working with languages, laws and local habits;

4. Staff working in partners organisations, mentors and trainers working in SME with stagers and practices organizers/AET institutions/ Practical Enterprise networks.

The main objectives are:

  1. To provide VET learners (as national as migrants), VET teachers and the local business community with a thorough understanding of the factors affecting and skills favoring host National language competencies through the development of pedagogical material for future job or business creation;
  2. To develop VET teachers’ pedagogical approaches – through the improvement of digital skills – which can be used for new VET activities interested in implementing a work-based model for individualized, blended adult learning.
  3. To foster VET learners (migrants mostly) to get aware, verify and continuously improve their level of language skills through the development of self-assessment tool. This tool will be delivered through the learning of ICT tools – in relation to CLIL methodology.
  4. To improve VET curriculum/modules by learning language through ICT tools – and gaining basic digital skills.

Project results

  • Project result 1: Language skills country studies and tools
  • Overall report  collecting all data from the National reports

The purpose of thе report is to present in detail the analysis of the data collected by the project partner countries on migration data, opportunities to attend language courses of the host country, their availability, the experience of organizations and teachers in working with migrants who have arrived in the country.

A questionnaire survey for organizations and teachers was chosen as the method of data collection, and to hear various experiences, language teaching opportunities, methods for dealing with adults, a focus group was organized with teachers who have experience working with migrants.


  • Methodological support 

.This part is named for AE professionals, language teachers, mentors inside companies, and trainers working with migrants in order to make them more aware of the importance to tailor a teaching strategy and thus changing their attitude and competence profile comparing the different experiences in these selected EU countries + North Macedonia;

Useful to learn the National language using platforms, new technology, self-evaluation tools for the self-improvement of their language skills and then to have a kind of “mentor online” for the future test of their competences and language skills.This part is named for AE professionals, language teachers, mentors inside companies, and trainers working with migrants in order to make them more aware of the importance to tailor a teaching strategy and thus changing their attitude and competence profile comparing the different experiences in these selected EU countries + North Macedonia;

Online platform:

Online courses:

  • Project result 2: Methodologies / guidelines – Methodological framework for implementation
  • Handbook for VET Educators 

This activity is an effective methodological and promotional model – Handbook for VET education providers with information about the kind of methodology they can use and Tools with practical instructions for supporting MiLiu activities.

The Handbook for VET Educators provides a pivotal step forward in this regard, introducing methodologies for language learning tailored to migrants in Lithuania, Italy, and Macedonia. By embracing distance learning, job training, and class learning techniques, this approach offers adaptability and accessibility, ensuring migrants can flourish both linguistically and culturally.


Project result 3:The Layout of “smart” Education

The third result is oriented to define the MiLiu physical and digital layout of the workplace for migrants involved in smart learning. In fact, people today communicate through a plurality of proprietary and corporate devices: the Bring Your Own Device (BYOD), once challenged in the company, has become the main driver of agile work. Consequently, the need to define management policies with respect to the plurality of fixed and mobile devices used by the resources that work or collaborate with organizations increases. Business continuity, in fact, depends both on the governance of the systems and their safety, and on the guarantee of services that ensure maximum individual productivity for the people who work, teach and learn. In terms of technological equipment, the standard one to allow remote working generally consists of a laptop PC, VPN and social collaboration services.The innovation and utility of this outcome comes primarily from the availability of reliable and basic data and information, which can inform and support decision-making.


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