New Wheels of Change

New Wheels of Change Applicant organization OID Legal name Country Region City Website Partner organizations OID Legal name Country Region City Website 1. E10148630 Eco-Logic The Republic of Macedonia Skopje 2. E10186947 ReBike ALTERmobility Italy Lazio Roma 3. E10238921 Drustvo gorskih kolesarjev Pohorje Slovenia Podravska Maribor Project descriptionThe implementation of a systematic […]

New Wheels of Change

Applicant organization OID Legal name Country Region City Website

Partner organizations OID Legal name Country Region City Website
1. E10148630 Eco-Logic The Republic of Macedonia Skopje
2. E10186947 ReBike ALTERmobility Italy Lazio Roma
3. E10238921 Drustvo gorskih kolesarjev Pohorje Slovenia Podravska Maribor

Project description
The implementation of a systematic education about cycling, urban mobility and road safety for schools (teachers, pupils, parents) is a very delicate, expensive, and complex one, which requires the ability to design new tools and develop innovative techniques, display huge resources (human, structural, financial) and dispose of adequate time. A problem as complex as this one necessarily requires a long-term multi-dimensional approach that concerns all stakeholders in our societies (emphasizing the ones coming from our taregt groups) besides continuous commitment and efforts and for this reason, it cannot be improvised; it requires preparation, organization, coordination and durability.
For these reasons, the project “New Wheels of Change” sets as a priority the exchanging and developing transnational and European outputs aimed at innovating and strengthening the training and coordinated and integrated action of local and European organizations that are working with schools, as well as institutions (local authorities and road councils also involved at some point in school education) with a view to the development of green, sustainable and safe cities for children, on the streets, as cyclists and or as pedestrians. More specifically, we intend to set the stage to promote the comparison, reflection, and self- training of teachers on the part of the various subjects related to the overall topic of cycling, so that they can collaboratively be part of the development of effective tools and resources aimed at future education of fellow teachers and pupils, e, in addition to supporting them on their path towards autonomy as future EU citizens and competent in the field of sustainable urban mobility, road safety and overall – cycling. It will thus be possible to build up a transnational network between the partners involved in the project, the schools and their teachers and pupils (all partners have great networks of schools) which the idea is to plan and implement, at a later stage – cycling courses (as extra curricular activities) for their colleagues and pupils, which will provide them with the necessary competencies to acquire complex cycling, but also civic skills. These include basic cycling information, basic maintenance, basic cycling skills, road traffic knowledge (signs, rules, national contexts), but also personal, interpersonal and intercultural competence and cover all forms of behavior that equip individuals to participate in an effective and constructive for sustainable community development.
Note from the project consortium: The project “NEW WHEELS FOR CHANGE” was applied last year (deadline May) in category School Education, KA2. Initially the project was selected for funding but after the financial and capacity check, it was rejected. For this purpose we believe that better staff recruitment should be made, thus the project coordinator obliged to employ a person (or two!) specially assigned for full time work on the project.

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