Platform for Networking between Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities


Project for promoting an initiating collaboration between Civil Society Organizations and Local Authorities

As part of the announced call by Metamorphosis for small grants to initiate networking between civil society organizations and to increase their  communication and cooperation with local authorities,  Eco Logic received confirmation for the realization of its initiative called “Promoting and initiating cooperation and networking between civil society organizations and local authorities”.

We would like to inform you about the details of the project, which is an initiative that in the near future our organization would like to expand and bring the level of a complex program.

The project is implemented within the project “Network of civil society organizations for effective citizen participation”, implemented by the Metamorphosis Foundation and the Macedonian Center for European Education.

Project summary:

Project title: “Promoting and initiating cooperation and networking between civil society organizations and local authorities”


  • Establishing a network of five civil society organizations working in the field of initiating and increasing communication and cooperation between civil society organizations and municipalities
  • Creation of a web-platform for promotion of current and future collaborative activities between civil society organizations and local authorities (
  • Building closer relations between civil society organizations and municipalities (local authorities)

Target group: Civil society organizations and local authorities

Project coordinator: Eco Logic

Partners: Eco Action, Healthy for Life, GreenBox, A Step Ahead

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