Smile and Play


The main project goal was to encourage the youth and children to be more interested for cycling, through improving of their English language skills, with focus on the cycling terminology linked to everyday life, implemented through the method of gamification, i.e., learning by playing games. In this context, the main products of the project were a board game in physical (printed) form, as well as a digital game of the same version.

The project Smile and Play is a project coordinated by the Civil Society Organization Eco logic, from Skopje, North Macedonia, funded by Erazmus+ programme through the National Agency for European Educational Programmes and Mobility of Republic of North Macedonia, under the project number 2018-1-MK01-KA201-0471-64.

The project was with duration from September 2018, until November 2020. Smile and Play was coordinated by Eco Logic – North Macedonia as a project is a continuation of the project SMILE (2015-2017) under coordinating by ReBike from Italy, and followed by a new project, RIDE AND SMILE (2020-2022) again with coordinators ReBike from Italy.

In Smile and Play were included the following partners: ReBike from Italy, Zali from Lithuania, and elementary school “J.H.Pestalozzi” from Skopje, North Macedonia. Besides the main partner organizations in the project, there were also associate partners included, such as elementary schools “Rade Kratovche” and “Malina Popivanova”, both from Kochani, North Macedonia.

The main project goal was to encourage the youth and children to be more interested for cycling, through improving of their English language skills, with focus on the cycling terminology linked to everyday life, implemented through the method of gamification, i.e., learning by playing games. In this context, the main products of the project were a board game in physical (printed) form, as well as a digital game of the same version.

The board game is intended for pupils from 5th to 9th grade, and it comprises of a platform with 11 examples of everyday locations toward which the children/teams have to go. On the way to the location, they resolve exercises and tasks for improving of the English language skills, through cards with activities, questions, fun facts – given by the mentor/teacher/parent that has the role of Game Guide/Maser.

Due to the current challenges with Covid, the game was made out and suitably adjusted in a digital form as well, on the platform Tabletopia, where it can be played for free, and limitless. The digital game is also adjusted for computers, tablets, and mobile phones, and can be accessed on the following link:



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