Project “Youthocracy”

Youthocracy is partnership project between organizations from Macedonia, Italy and Austria realized through the ERAZMUS+ Programme.

The projcet “Youthocracy” has a mission to create and share best practices and methods for empowerment, engagement an activation for youth, through establishment of a network/web of European youth organizations that all work by using innovative, but different methods and approaches.

The desired objectives are:

  • Stimulate and create coordinating body of 3 European youth organizations that will work together on creation, promotion and introduction of practices on topics such as: youth involvement in community development, experiences and best practices & provide training and non-formal education to youth. (as a follow up there will be efforts made in order to enlarge the network, thus promote various methods and approaches of youth work and best practices even more).
  • Promotion and introduction of innovative methods and approaches related to non-formal education for youth, through usage of theater, music, art, environment, social and economic issues and topics.
  • Strengthen the capacity and increase the knowledge of youth workers across Europe – through creation of a web platform on which organizations from Macedonia, Austria and Italy will be invited to share their best practices related to youth work (guest organizations – minimum 15, meaning 5 per country + 3 coordinating ones).

Coordinator of the project:
– Eco Logic – Macedonia

– Lauterah – Austria
– CSC San Francesco – Italy

OTHER Projects

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Diferal: Differentiated Instruction For the Environment For All

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