RIDE AND SMILE is the third part of a trilogy of projects; first SMILE, and then Smile and Play as predecessors.
RIDE AND SMILE as the third continuation project, partner organizations from 5 EU countries (Italy – ReBike ALTERmobility as coordinators, with Bike to School, and with Istituto Comprensivo Simonetta Salacone also from Italy, then Belgium – Eurogeo VZW, North Macedonia – Eco Logic, North Macedonia – Elementary school “l.H.Pestalozzi”, Romania – Scoala Gimnaziala Dr. Balasi lozsef, and Austria – Paris–Lodron–Universitat Salzburg) have gathered to work on excellent ideas on motivating children to use the bicycle as often as possible, but also to work on improving digital skills for a greater and productive purpose, while at the same time enriching their education in various engaging ways by contributing to the environment and improving their health and environment–consciousness overall.