Sustainability coaches

Project title: Sustainability coaches Project start date: 28.02.2022 Duration: 36 months Project end date: 27.02.2025 2021-1-DE02-KA220-ADU-000035368  Coordinator of the project: Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V., Germany Partner Organizations: SYNTHESIS CENTER FOR RESEARCH AND EDUCATION LIMITED, Cyprus Eco Logic ,The Republic of North Macedonia Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, Italy Context/Background Sustainability strives to foster protection of the […]

Project title: Sustainability coaches

Project start date: 28.02.2022

Duration: 36 months

Project end date: 27.02.2025


Coordinator of the project:

Verein Niedersächsischer Bildungsinitiativen e.V., Germany

Partner Organizations:


Eco Logic ,The Republic of North Macedonia

Consorzio Scuola Comunità Impresa, Italy


Sustainability strives to foster protection of the planet and to ensure prosperous development of all living in it, today and in the future. Since the emergence of the concept of “sustainability” that covers economic, environmental and social aspects, it has been deeply rooted in the worldwide development policies. It culminated in 2015, when all countries of the world endorsed the United Nations Agenda 2030 for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). Looking at problems like climate change, it is obvious that we need to speed up the process of change.

The project “Sustainability Coaches” focuses on two major aspects on the way to sustainability:

 1) Education: Education develops awareness, knowledge and understanding for sustainability and empowers people to be active for an ecological and just transformation. Innovative methods and tools and the diversity of perspectives can support the process. This is where the project focuses with the educational material that will be developed. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is not new, but changes are still very small. We need aware and informed, courageous and creative citizens. The concept of ESD used in the past is a good basis, but it needs to be supplemented with new approaches and methods to empower people for action. 

2) International cooperation: Today the world is facing GLOBAL challenges and a collective effort to achieve sustainability is necessary. The Agenda 2030 and the SDGs state that international cooperation and partnerships are integral for sustainability. Sharing common principles for sustainable development between citizens, stakeholders, governments and institutions is essential. 


The main objective of the project is to provide trainers and multipliers (e.g. adult educators, NGO workers, people working in community outreach) with knowledge, skills and competences to become “Sustainability Coaches”. They shall then accompany, motivate and inspire their target groups for local sustainable action, having global societies in mind (think global – act local).


1) The “Curriculum for Sustainability Coaches”, that will contain didactical information for the trainers, as well as information and concrete tools on different aspects of sustainability and possibilities to become active for change.

2) The “Sustainability Game”, an educational game that enables users to analyze real situations and challenges in a given society and try to find sustainable solutions or improvements for the challenges. 

3) The interactive “Online Platform on Sustainability”, that will present the content and tools of the curriculum, the game and a set of online training modules, including texts, quizzes and videos that can be used individually online – separately or as a course.

The main objective of this project is to provide the target groups through the development and testing of a pedagogical and didactical set of educational tools with knowledge, skills and competencies to become “Sustainability Coaches”. The “Sustainability Coaches” will accompany, motivate and inspire their target groups for local sustainable action, having the global societies in mind (think global – act local). With that, the project contributes in finding a wide variety of ways and solutions for a global and local transformation towards economic, social and environmental sustainability.

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