Evaluation of the yEUcYcling project

All the process of YEUCYCLING project, from the KICK – OFF meeting to yEUclycling training in Serbia. We represented all the steps of the making the yEUcYcling project.   KICKOFF MEETING OF THE PROJECT “YEUCYCLING” The first transnational meeting within the project yEUcycling was successfully organized online. It enabled partner organizations and clubs from Serbia, Croatia, […]

All the process of YEUCYCLING project, from the KICK – OFF meeting to yEUclycling training in Serbia. We represented all the steps of the making the yEUcYcling project.



The first transnational meeting within the project yEUcycling was successfully organized online. It enabled partner organizations and clubs from Serbia, Croatia, and North Macedonia to discuss and agree on arrangements, procedures, and tools that will enable smooth project implementation. Also during the meeting, the final structure of the Project Management Mechanism was finalized and all project activities, results, and objectives have been analyzed in order to streamline the cooperation efforts between partners and make their collaborative work more efficient.   Stay tuned to follow us on our journey of empowering social activism through sports within this project.   The project yEUcycling is co-funded by the European Union.


The finding of the 2 researches conducted within the “yEUcycling” can now be accessed online. The first research had a goal to examine the capacities of cycling sports clubs to engage in social activism, while the second one aimed at analysing the capacities of local youth organizations to integrate cycling as a methodology in their existing activistic actions and initiatives. The findings of these researches will enable the project consortium to develop innovative methodological approach to cycling-based social activism that is built on the needs of youth organizations and clubs that will play a key role in implementing them. You can download the results of the researches by following this link. The project yEUcycling is co-funded by the European Union.

Meeting of partners within the yEUcycling project

The first in-person meeting within the yEUcycling project was done, gathering representatives of partners and methodology experts with a goal to work on creating methodological approach that will ensure development of the social activism based on cycling among young people.    The meeting started with a detailed analysis of the findings of research on the capacities of cycling clubs and youth organizations to integrate cycling-based social activism into their work. Based on these findings and through trans-sectoral exchange of knowledge, skills, experiences and insights among meeting participants, a set of methodologies, together with guidelines and resources necessary for their implementation, was developed. These innovative methodologies will form a backbone of the upcoming yEUcycling capacity building training within which we will equip youth workers and sports clubs’ staff to apply them as tools for boosting cycling-based social activism.    The project yEUcycling is co-funded by the European Union.

yEUcycling Training Implemented in Serbia

The capacity-building training within the project “yEUcycling ” was implemented in Bajina Bašta, Serbia. This event brought together cycling clubs and youth organization representatives from Serbia, Croatia, and North Macedonia with an aim to enable them to gain knowledge, skills, and resources for implementing cycling-based social activism that will tackle burning issues in their local communities, and will also boost the attractiveness of cycling towards young people. Besides that, the training served as a fertile ground for intercultural learning, the exchange of valuable practices, and the establishment of transnational cooperation between cycling clubs and youth organizations.   We are looking forward to the upcoming activities within the “yEUcycling” project so stay tuned and explore how cycling can contribute to the inclusion of citizens in overcoming social issues on the local level.   The project ”yEUcycling – Inspiring cycling-based social activism among young people in Europe” is co-funded by the European Union and implemented by a consortium of youth organizations and sports clubs from Serbia, North Macedonia and Croatia.


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