Green entrepreneur
Teaching and Learning materials
Innovative small and medium-sized enterprises run by entrepreneurs who want to benefit society and the environment have great potential. They are flexible enough to make the necessary shift toward more sustainable production and consumption. Starting such an enterprise also makes young women and men more independent, creates new jobs and generates outcomes.
Green entrepreneurs can make a significant contribution to eliminating unemployment, poverty, and environmental problems. They have a greater role in environmentally friendly practices and environmental tasks than other entrepreneurs.
Through the curriculum “GREEN ENTREPRENEUR“, the idea is to promote entrepreneurship and creative learning among young people by providing the material to enable them to think through the issues and challenges of their day-to-day lives. The materials promote lifestyle practices that are environmentally friendly and sustainable, increase the users’ awareness and embolden them to become more active in environmental causes, in taking action and being entrepreneurial towards the challenges.
This publication, named: “GREEN ENTREPRENEUR: Teaching and Learning materials “is an integral part of the curriculum, and contains the: PowerPoint presentations, articles, templates, quizzes as continuation of the learning pack of the activities and exercises.
While in the curriculum you can find the description and directions for the lessons, ways realization of the activities and exercises, in this publication are the annex of its. For successful realization we suggest you follow them in parallel.