21st century skills game

The game consists of a board with 7 mini-boards, each mini-board representing one of the Sustainable Development Goals, tied together by the center board ‘21st Century Citizen’. Before the game starts, you can choose how many mini-boards you want to play on. You can choose to cut out the boards or just let them be. The ‘21st Century Citizen’ center board is mandatory. To enter the ‘21st Century Citizen’ center board you have to win all the SDG mini-boards that you decided to play on.

Game Rules

The player with the shortest hair decides which mini-board the game should start on. All players place their game pieces at the ‘Start’ square on the mini-board.

The player who has had their phone for the longest time starts. Next will be the player who has had their phone for the next longest time and so on.

The player rolls the die and moves the number of squares that the dots from the die shows. To have a 21C – SDG question the player must go to a square with a ‘21 C’ globe on. If this is not possible, the player will wait on an empty square until a new turn is coming up and hopefully get the chance to move to a 21C – SDG square.

When landing on a 21C – SDG square, the player will be asked a dilemma question in the SDG from which board the player is on, combined with a 21 Century Digital Skill. As an example the 21C skill could be Creativity. This means that you need to find the best and most creative answer to this SDG problem. There will be 3-5 possible solutions, where the best answer will bring you 5 points and the worst answer only will bring you 1 point. The player who first reaches 15 points finishes the mini-board and can continue to the next mini-board. When a player has finished all mini-boards the player does now have access to the ‘21st

Century Citizen’ mini-board. When the player enters the 21st Century Citizen center board, he/she will be asked 3 random questions from random SDGs and need at least 10 points to win the whole game and thereby call himself/herself a 21st Century Citizen. In case the player does not reach 10 points in the first attempt, the player can try again in the next round.

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